Friday, July 11, 2008

Photo Shoot

On June 23, 2008 Mom and I drove to Hozler Clinic for a photo shoot. We had a blast. They took picutres, mostly of me but did take a few of me and mom.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


I went to the surgeon on March 6, 2008. I have lost about 100 pounds over all but I think depression is setting in. I do understand that plateau's are normal but it bother's me that I get down to a certain point and then it just stops for what seems like eternity. I know that isn't the case, but that's how it feels to me. I may get down to 217 but then a few days later I'm back to 219. Yes, I know, it's only a pound or two and that is normal. Unfortunately, I don't care how normal it is, I don't like it.

Overall, I am following the rules as to what I can and can't do. Yes, there are days that I bend them. Granted, those days could be enough to set me back. :( Oh yeah, I also haven't been walking on the treadmill like I should. Life just happens.

I had a great routine going for awhile. Then I went to New Orleans for my brother's wedding at the end of January. That was also during Mardi Gras. Then my husband had back surgery on February 11, 2008. With him being "laid up" that prevented me from my normal routine. It's been almost two months since his surgery and even though he is doing well, I'm exhausted. I am hoping to get caught up on some well needed rest so I can get myself back on the track I need to be. I have had asked God to give me the strength and will-power to get back to where I need to be.

That's my vent for the moment. I am hoping things will start to turn around very soon. I am considereing of starting over on my post op diet you are given when you first have your surgery to see if that helps.

More later.........................................

BTW, Holzer Clinic interviewed me a few weeks ago and that interview is in their March/April newsletter. I have to tell ya, I am a little disappointed in it due to the number of mistakes, but we are all human and that will happen. Here is the link. Hopefully you can view it:

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


As of Monday, February 4, 2008 I have lost 100.2 pounds. I have hit the 100 pound mark from January 26, 2007. I would like to lose another 12.8 pounds to reach my surgery weight loss. That would put me down to down 208. YooHoo!!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

New Do

On November 2, 2007 I bit the bullet and went and had my hair done. I was getting tired of the old look. I figured it was time for something new since I had lost a considerable about of weight. I had my hair done at Kenneth's located in Grove City, OH. Margo did a awesome job. I'm not sure why the picture isn't coming out any better. I'll work on it and see what I can do.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Vitamins, Calcium, Protein, Vitamin D, & Biotin

I have found a chewable multi-vitamin at GNC. It's called Solotron Chewable. It's Natural Berry flavor. There are other types out, shop around and see what you find and what your doctor recommends.

Calcium - CitraCal. It comes in chocolate and caramel. The chocolate is yummy. I have haven't tried the caramel. This is also chewable. I have found this at Walmart, Kroger, and Giant Eagle. You want to make sure you do NOT get the calcium that is carbonate. Your body does not absorb the calcium the way it should. This is especially important if you've had the gastric bypass.

Vitamin D - Also found at GNC. It's small and it's easy to swallow.

Biotin - Also found at GNC. I take this because my hair has started to shed more than normal. From what has been explained to me by other people who have had WLS and my doctor, this is normal. That's one reason it is so important to get your protein in.

Protein - The best one I have found for me is Whey Protein. I have gotten it from GNC and Walmart. You'll have to find one that you like and can tolerate. There are many sites and stores you can visit to find different proteins.

There are a few things to remember:
  1. Your stomach opening is only the size of a dime. My nutritionist said if the pill is the size of an eraser, you can swallow it. If it's bigger, you'll need to crush it up or cut in half. That's why I have the chewable.
  2. The items listed above is what I use. This does not mean it's OK for you. You will need to talk to your doctor and see what they want you to do!


Please note that all information I have posted is what my doctor and nutritionist had ME do. This is not what all doctors do. I am just sharing what I have to do per my MD's instructions. Please do as your doctor instructs.


  1. Eat only 3-4 meals a day (2-4oz of food per meal)
  2. Chew thoroughly (25-30 times per bite), and eat slowly (wait 1-2 minutes between each bite)
  3. Stop eating as soon as you feel full.
  4. Do not drink while you are eating or 1-2 hours after eating.
  5. Do not snack between meals.
  6. Eat only good quality food.
  7. Avoid fibrous food (asparagus, pineapple, rhubarb, broccoli, artichokes, celery), as they may not digest well. Dried fruits are likely to swell and get stuck ih the new opening to the stomach. Doughy or sticky foods like white bread, popcorn, and coconut can also obstruct the lap band.
  8. Drink 48-64oz of water per day. Consume 60-80 grams of protein per day.
  9. Avoid carbonated beverages; avoid caffeine until 6 months after surgery, and avoid alcohol until 2 years after surgery.
  10. Exercise daily or as instructed by MD.