Tuesday, October 16, 2007


  1. Eat only 3-4 meals a day (2-4oz of food per meal)
  2. Chew thoroughly (25-30 times per bite), and eat slowly (wait 1-2 minutes between each bite)
  3. Stop eating as soon as you feel full.
  4. Do not drink while you are eating or 1-2 hours after eating.
  5. Do not snack between meals.
  6. Eat only good quality food.
  7. Avoid fibrous food (asparagus, pineapple, rhubarb, broccoli, artichokes, celery), as they may not digest well. Dried fruits are likely to swell and get stuck ih the new opening to the stomach. Doughy or sticky foods like white bread, popcorn, and coconut can also obstruct the lap band.
  8. Drink 48-64oz of water per day. Consume 60-80 grams of protein per day.
  9. Avoid carbonated beverages; avoid caffeine until 6 months after surgery, and avoid alcohol until 2 years after surgery.
  10. Exercise daily or as instructed by MD.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tracie, you have done wonderfully! You look wonderful too! Are you at your goal, because you look perfect!!

Sara Rodgers